"FART:The Movie" (1991)

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"FART-The Movie" (1991) 89-minutes

This is the original, uncut, "full-length" version of the 1991 movie, starring JOEL WEISS as "Russell", and SHANNANDOAH SORIN as "Heather". This is NOT to be confused with the 2002 Farley Bros film...in fact, they "borrowed" our title, FART-THE MOVIE.

The story is about Russell, who has two passions in life...watching television, and farting! His wife Heather HATES farting, and she tells Russell that if they ever allowed farting on television, he would never leave the house at all... One night Russell goes to sleep in front of the television, and "it" happens...in Russell's fantastic dream, everything on TV is about farting! He watches everything from GAME SHOWS about farting, to SITCOMS and NEWSCASTS.

Produced by
Migdalia Etheridge. Directed by Ray Etheridge. A Golden West Films production.

Joel Weiss, Shannandoah Sorin, Jeff Wayne, Conrad Brooks

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